1 large or 2 small potatoes per person
1 medium onion, chopped into bite-sized pieces (for 4-5 people, adjust as needed)
1. Peel and rinse potatoes.

2. Cut into bite-sized pieces and put into a large pot.

3. Add water until potatoes are completely covered. Stir in 1 tsp salt.

4. Bring to a boil on high heat. Boil for about 15 minutes or until fork-soft.
5. Carefully pour off water until about ½” below the top of the potatoes. Mash about 6-10 pieces of potato with a fork to add some starchiness to the water.
6. Add onions and enough milk to make soup consistency to your liking.
By the way, this is what I consider a medium-size onion
7. Turn heat down to medium and return pot to burner. Heat until just simmering – DO NOT BOIL!
8. Remove from heat, add salt and pepper to taste.

Mmmmm, steamy goodness!
Perfect with a salad, grilled ham and cheese, or our favorite - saltines with butter.I have to plug one of my favorite kitchen utensils here. You can see my daughter using it above as she helped me chop the potatoes. These green knives are awesome. They can cut almost any fruit or vegetable you need to and are very kid-friendly. My kids fight over who gets to use it to help. You can't beat that! I got mine from Pampered Chef but have seen them in stores as well. Apparently they will not cause your lettuce to brown if you cut them as a typical knife would. I have not tested it because they sell salads in bags!
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